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PLEASE READ: AASV and NPB Offer Database to Clarify Japanese MRL Issue”

In cooperation with the AASV’s Pharmaceutical Issues Committee, the National Pork Board’s Pork Checkoff has developed and will maintain a searchable database containing information supplied by pharmaceutical manufacturers providing recommendations regarding withdrawal times that comply with the new Japanese maximum residue limits (MRLs). The database can be accessed at the Pork Board’s Japanese MRL webpage. The database will be updated as new information is provided and contains an option that allows the reader to view the recent updates.

The AASV Pharmaceutical Issues Committee met during the Leman Swine Conference and developed a policy statement outlining recommendations regarding the use of antibiotics in the finishing herd and breeding animals. This statement was approved by the AASV Board of Directors during their fall meeting.

The key recommendations put forth by the committee are as follows:

  • The withdrawal recommendations included in the database are based on information provided by the manufacturers of the specific products and apply only to those products, not to a drug class in general or generic equivalents. It is recommended that you only use the specific products listed in the database during the finisher phase or in the breeding herd.
  • These recommendations assume product usage in accordance with the label directions. Extralabel use requires the administration of an extended withdrawal time and data may not be available to provide reliable withdrawal recommendations for specific products. It is the responsibility of the prescribing veterinarian to contact the manufacturer to obtain withdrawal guidelines for extralabel use.
  • Likewise, if a compound is administered via multiple routes simultaneously (e.g. water and injectable) an extended withdrawal period may also be required. It is recommended that the veterinarian contact the manufacturer for specific product withdrawal recommendations.
  • In addition, it is recommended that veterinarians review the quality assurance practices in effect at the farm or within a production system to minimize the risk of mistakes in drug deliveries, storage, and administration. The complete policy statement is available for review on the AASV website.