Last week was a busy one in our nation’s Capital. There were meetings of the Animal Ag Coalition (AAC), the Secretary of Agriculture’s Advisory Committee on Foreign Animal and Poultry Diseases (SACFAPD), and with the House Ag Appropriations Committee staff, not to mention an NPPC reception for the House Agriculture Committee and a reception for the newly appointed DHS Under Secretary for Science and Technology, Jay Cohen.
The AAC met at the American Farm Bureau Federation and discussed a number of issues including:
- The Animal Ag Alliance reported on concerns regarding the activities of the PEW Charitable Trusts National Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production.
- The Agriculture Enterprise Terrorism Act (S.3880 and H.R.4239) was introduced on September 9 by Sen. James Inhofe [OK]. This is an important bill to provide the Justice Department with additional authority to apprehend, prosecute and convict individuals engaged in committing acts of terrorism against animal enterprises including farms and ranches.
- An update on DHS’s efforts to develop the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF) to replace the Plum Island Animal Disease Center indicated that the list had been narrowed to 18 potential sites in 12 states. AAC expressed concern that the emphasis of animal agriculture not get lost in the restructuring.
- A group from AAC met with House Ag Appropriations Majority Clerk Martin Delgado to discuss concerns with the proposed FY07 Federal budget and long-term issues for funding consideration in FY08 and FY09.
The Secretary of Agriculture’s Advisory Committee on Foreign Animal and Poultry Diseases met on Tuesday and Wednesday at the USDA offices in Riverdale, MD. The Swine industry is very capably represented on this committee by producer Jim Niewold and AASV member Mark Engle. The committee discussed a number of issues of relevance to swine production including the National Animal Identification System, the NBAF, and updates on Avian Influenza, foreign animal and emerging disease surveillance plans, and the National Veterinary Stockpile.
The week wrapped up with two very well attended receptions in the House office building. The first, sponsored by the National Pork Producers Council (NPPC), allowed an opportunity to meet with House Ag Committee members and staff in a relaxed setting to discuss common issues over a nice pork chop. The second, sponsored by the DHS Research and Education Centers, provided an overview of the various centers of excellence established by DHS to address the concerns of protecting America’s food supply. AASV was invited to attend by Dr. Neville Clarke, Director of the Foreign Animal and Zoonotic Disease Center at Texas A&M.