On March 29th, The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) restructured the Veterinary Services division responsible for emergency planning and response formally known as Emergency Programs (EP). The new division will be called the National Center for Animal Health and Emergency Management (CAHEM).
The CAHEM has 3 units with the directors reporting to Dr. Larry Granger, Associate Deputy Administrator for Emergency Management and Diagnostics. These units include: Interagency Coordination (Director, Joseph Annelli); Preparedness and Incident Coordination (Vacant); and National Veterinary Stockpile (Director, Glen Garris). In addition to the 3 Center directors, the directors for the National Veterinary Services Laboratories (Vacant) and the Center for Veterinary Biologics (Director, Richard Hill) also report to Dr. Granger.
According to the organizational chart, it appears the CAHEM has a total of 44 staff positions within the 3 units including the directors. Currently, there are only 17 positions filled with an additional 12 "newly hired" staff whose employment is contingent on funding. The National Veterinary Stockpile currently is staffed by only 2 people including the director with 6 vacancies. The Preparedness and Incident Coordination unit has only 7 of 20 positions currently staffed and no director.