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PETA to Challenge Smithfield During Shareholders Meeting

The animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), which owns 180 shares of Smithfield Foods stock, plans to present a shareholder resolution at the company’s annual meeting this summer to force Smithfield to provide additional details about its Murphy-Brown Animal Welfare Management System ( AWMS).

Smithfield developed the AWMS in response to a "major industry issue and a growing area of interest to company shareholders, our customer base, government officials, and to the public." The company has utilized the services of Dr. Stan Curtis from the University of Illinois and Dr. Temple Grandin of Colorado State University to evaluate the program. Adherence to the program’s objectives and requirements has been subjected to a third party audit by the USDA’s Process Verified Program.

In order to effect any action by the company, PETA’s resolution would have to be approved by a majority of Smithfield’s shareholders which appears unlikely.


Smithfield Foods