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Steve Larsen Fills Position, Director of Pork Safety, at the Pork Checkoff

Steve Larsen has joined the National Pork Board to fill the position of director of pork safety.

Until recently, Larsen worked as senior food technologist for Tyson Foods Inc., where he was part of the company’s food safety and Salmonella task forces. Larsen also participated in research and projects studying product shelf-life and food safety.

Larsen is a graduate of Iowa State University where he completed his bachelor’s degree in animal science, a master’s degree in meat science and a doctorate of philosophy in veterinary microbiology.

Larsen’s research interests include the effect of dietary supplements on meat quality, and the effect of pre-harvest processing, including lairage, on the prevalence of salmonella and other bacterial contaminants on the meat from market sows.

As director of pork safety, Larsen will be responsible for the development and implementation of pre-harvest pork safety programs including those related to preventing microbiological, physical and chemical hazards in pork. He will have oversight and administration of pre-harvest and post-harvest pork safety research efforts on the part of the Pork Checkoff. Larsen will work directly with the Pork Checkoff’s Pork Safety Committee and other pre- and post-harvest advisory and task force groups.

The National Pork Board has responsibility for research, promotion and consumer information projects and for communicating with pork producers and the public. Through a legislative national Pork Checkoff, pork producers invest $0.40 for each $100 value of hogs sold. The Pork Checkoff funds national and state programs in advertising, consumer information, retail and foodservice marketing, export market promotion, production improvement and education in swine health, pork quality and safety. For information on Checkoff-funded programs, pork producers can call the Producer Service Center at 800-456-PORK or check the Internet at