The International Symposium on Transboundary and Emerging Zoonotic Diseases is designed to showcase many aspects of the partner institutions’ findings, to serve as a forum for scientists far and wide to present their own findings, and to interact and network extensively with partners. In addition, keynote speakers, each a well-recognized leader in a specific aspect of transboundary or emerging diseases, will present on topics to help guide the overall discussions.
When: April 28-30, 2025
Where: Manhattan, Kansas
Registration includes lunch each day of the 3-day conference and one conference dinner. There will be 13.5 hours of CE credit offered for this Symposium. More information to follow.
There are limited options for a tour of the USDA National Bio and Agro Defense Facility (NBAF) on the afternoon of April 30.
Learn more and register by April 4 at