We are excited to be offering the National Pork Board’s Foreign Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Training Tabletop Exercise again this year in conjunction with our fourth-year swine veterinary student rotation, SMEC 478C: Swine Emerging Diseases and Emergency Response Management.
The course focuses on emerging diseases as well as transboundary and foreign animal diseases that have the potential to impact the United States swine industry. As a culminating activity for the rotation, the National Pork Board has been contracted to deliver training covering foreign animal disease preparedness and response in a hands-on activity. For this year’s tabletop exercise, we will also be focusing on a disease that has zoonotic potential.
We would like to invite you and any members of your team to participate in the activity this year. We value your opinion and participation.
This tabletop exercise will be held on Thursday, April 25th, 2024, from 9:00AM-5:00PM at the new Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory in Conference Room 2000 (1937 Christensen Dr., Ames, IA 50011).
If interested in participating or would like to send someone to participate, please register HERE. Please note registration is limited to the first 50 registrants. An additional communication will follow regarding logistics once registration is complete. Please feel free to share this opportunity with others.
Here is a short article about the event and a short video of the hands on activity.
[Source: SMEC]