USDA APHIS seeks a Supervisory Veterinary Medical Officer (Laboratory Director). The position is located in the Foreign Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (FADDL), National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL), and has full responsibility for managing the activities and personnel of the laboratory to operate within budgetary and staffing limitations. Your work will have have a profound impact on the production and marketing of domestic livestock and on livestock trade with foreign countries. A relocation/recruitment incentive may be authorized but is not guaranteed.
The duties may include, but are not limited to:
- Supervising subordinates more than 25% of the time including, but not limited to, recruitment, selecting, appraising, rewarding, addressing performance problems, and fostering an inclusive workplace.
- Strategically manages laboratory operations, projects budgetary needs, and maintains continuity of operations with other laboratories within NVSL.
- Partners with Agricultural Research Service (ARS) to support the One NBAF culture and effective leadership of National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF).
- Directs the establishment and maintenance of a national and international diagnostic reference center for the classification and identification of pathogenic agents.
- Provides diagnostic reference assistance and consultation services to APHIS field activities, state diagnostic laboratories, university research laboratories, and foreign governments and scientists.
- Represents APHIS as the senior official on the NBAF Senior Leadership group for the overall management of NBAF.
- Directs the technical supervision and review of studies carried out by contracts and cooperative agreements with other governmental (state and federal) agencies or commercial concerns.
- Maintains close working relationships with public and private research groups to ensure mutual exchange of information concerning animal diseases.
- Ensures the safe and adequate safety testing or treatment of all biological materials imported from endemic countries and destined to the U.S. mainland.
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