Dr. Luc Dufresne has joined the Swine Veterinary Partners (SVP) in Canada. SVP is a group of 4 veterinary clinics (Demeter Québec, Demeter Ontario, Premier SHP, and Precision Veterinary Services) that offer swine-specific veterinary services throughout Canada. Dr. Dufresne will provide consultation services in health and production for swine producers and integrators in Canada and help support the SVP group. He will also help lead the research effort and mentor young veterinarians who have joined the team. Dr. Dufresne was formerly the Director of Veterinary Services for Seaboard Foods and brings extensive experience managing swine health in large systems. His updated contact information is available at aasv.org/directory/. Are you on the move? If so, let us know at aasv@aasv.org.