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What’s a Swine Vet Worth? You Tell Us! AASV Salary Survey Now Under Way

What’s a swine veterinarian worth? Isn’t that what we all want to know? Are your salary and benefits comparable to those of your colleagues? Are you paying your associate veterinarians enough to keep them from searching for greener pastures? What do you need to offer an early career veterinarian to be competitive with other offers they are likely to receive? The answers to these questions start with YOUR participation in the 2023 AASV Salary Survey, now under way!

If you’re an "Active" AASV Member (non-retired veterinarian) in the US or Canada, watch for an email message containing the link to the survey. You may also access the survey by logging into your AASV member account at

The survey requests information about your employment and salary for the 2022 calendar year. It’s much shorter, simpler, and less painful than the income tax returns you just filed!

AASV members are divided into two survey groups, based upon their employment type. The practitioner survey should be completed by those who oversee pig health for a production or genetics company, as well as those engaged in private practice. Members who work for a university, corporation, or government, who are engaged in education, research, technical services, public health, or regulatory work should complete the public/corporate veterinarian survey.

Once the data collection period has ended, the survey results will be pooled and shared with the AASV membership. Responses are confidential and the results are reported in a manner to assure participant anonymity. The more participation, the more valid the results – so do your part and complete the survey today!

Please respond before Saturday, June 3, 2023.