Over the past year, AASV members have seen the cost of food, fuel, and other necessities – including veterinary continuing education – increase at a startling rate. While this year’s meeting attendees experienced higher rates for transportation, lodging, meals, and registration, the cost of attending the 2023 AASV Annual Meeting would have been even greater – or the quality of the meeting experience reduced – if it were not for the financial support provided by sponsors for refreshments, meals, and social activities, as well as for travel stipends, awards, and scholarships for veterinary students. Considerable financial support was also provided by the 94 companies and organizations in the 2023 Technical Tables exhibit.
Please join AASV staff in expressing your personal appreciation to representatives of the following companies for their generous support of the 2023 AASV Annual Meeting:
- AASV Tech Tables Exhibitors
- AASV Foundation (Monday Luncheon; Praise Breakfast, Debt-relief Scholarships, Research Grants)
- DSM Animal Nutrition & Health (Yoga Class)
- Elanco Animal Health (AASV Foundation Veterinary Student Scholarships)
- Hog Slat (Refreshment Break Co-sponsor)
- Huvepharma (Student Podcaster Award)
- Merck Animal Health (AASV Awards Reception, Student Reception, Veterinary Student Trivia Event, AASVF-Merck Veterinary Student Scholarships)
- Newport Laboratories (Veterinary Student Travel Stipends)
- Stuart Products (Praise Breakfast)
- United Animal Health (Veterinary Student Poster Awards)
- Veterinary Pharmaceutical Solutions (Refreshment Break Co-sponsor)
- Zoetis Foundation (AASV Student Seminar and Poster Session, AASV Foundation Top Student Presenter Scholarship)