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Pig Vets and Joyful Love

Is it ok to sing Joy to the World in March? Why, yes it is! Join us at the Sunday AM from 7-8 AM at the AASV Praise Breakfast in the Willow Lake 3,4 and 5 room (Level 3).

There are 10,000 Reasons (yes, we will sing this song too) to attend, three being Drs. Sara Hough, Marie Culhane and Angela Baysinger sharing witness guided by moderator Dr. Sarah Probst Miller on how God’s great encompassing love moves in their daily life and work. Responsive readings written and coordinated by Dr. David Baum and led by Drs. Rexanne Stuve and Monte Fuhrman will precede. All are welcome to feed their stomachs and souls with breakfast, praise, and companionship on this journey.

If you play an instrument or sing, send a note to Dr. Probst Miller at We would love to have you join us in leading song.