American Association of Swine Veterinarians President Dr. Mike Senn reported on the association’s membership and activities during the annual business meeting on Tuesday, March 7.
As of March 7, 2023, total membership was 1,510, including 204 students from 36 universities, 961 members residing in the United States, 35 members residing in Mexico, 125 members residing in Canada, and 185 international members residing in 35 additional countries. The 2023 AASV officers, Drs. Bill Hollis, president; Angela Baysinger, president-elect; Locke Karriker, vice president; and Mike Senn, past president, were installed. The board congratulated re-elected district directors Drs. Sara Hough (District 2), Attila Farkas (District 5), and Susan Detmer (District 11) and welcomed newly elected district director Dr. Alyssa Betlach (District 9). Dr. Senn also welcomed Alexis Berte (Iowa State University, class of 2025) as incoming alternate student delegate to the AASV Board of Directors and thanked outgoing Student Delegate Sydney Simmons (North Carolina State University, 2023). Hunter Everett (North Carolina State University, 2024) assumes the role of student delegate. Honored guests at the business breakfast included Drs. Lori Teller (American Veterinary Medical Association president), Dick Sullivan (AVMA executive board representative), and Paul Sundberg (Swine Health Information Center executive director).