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Support the AASV Foundation – It’s the Wright thing to do!

As you will recall, Dr. KT Wright passed away late last year. Those of you that knew KT, will remember him as a staunch and active supporter of the AASV Foundation. KT was a tremendous believer in the mission of the Foundation and the obligation of all AASV members to use the Foundation as a mechanism to give back to the profession and support the next generation of swine veterinarians.

In an effort to raise the awareness of the Foundation’s programs among the AASV membership, we have initiated a pledge program in memory of KT. There will be Foundation pledge cards available at the 2023 AASV Annual Meeting to remind AASV members of the opportunities available to contribute to the Foundation and hopefully encourage everyone to make a donation. KT used to joke that everyone would run the other way when they saw him coming because they knew he was going to ask for a donation! Well, he’s still asking. So, at the Annual Meeting, won’t you Support the AASV Foundation? It’s the Wright thing to do!