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Vote Now: AASV Vice President and President-Elect

The annual election for AASV Vice President and President-Elect is underway. The nominee for Vice President is Dr. Locke Karriker (Iowa). Dr. Karriker’s candidate’s message appears in the Jan/Feb 2023 issue of the Journal of Swine Health & Production. The ballot also includes the candidate for President-elect, Dr. Angela Baysinger, who has served as AASV Vice President for the past year. See the Jan/Feb 2022 JSHAP issue for Dr. Baysinger’s biographical information. An opportunity for a write-in candidate is available for both offices. Again this year, voting is being conducted online. Each voting member (veterinarian in the US, Canada or Mexico) has been sent an email message containing a link to their ballot. Voters may also access their ballot by logging into their AASV Member account at The last day to enter a vote is Friday, February 24. The election results will be announced on Tuesday, March 7 during the Business Breakfast at the AASV Annual Meeting in Colorado.