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Abstract: A discrete-time survival model for porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus

Abstract: A discrete-time survival model for porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus

Since the arrival of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) in the United States in 2013, elimination and control programmes have had partial success. The dynamics of its spread are hard to quantify, though previous work has shown that local transmission and the transfer of pigs within production systems are most associated with the spread of PEDV. Our work relies on the history of PEDV infections in a region of the southeastern United States. This infection data is complemented by farm-level features and extensive industry data on the movement of both pigs and vehicles. We implement a discrete-time survival model and evaluate different approaches to modelling the local-transmission and network effects. We find strong evidence in that the local-transmission and pig-movement effects are associated with the spread of PEDV, even while controlling for seasonality, farm-level features and the possible spread of disease by vehicles. Our fully Bayesian model permits full uncertainty quantification of these effects. Our farm-level out-of-sample predictions have a receiver-operating characteristic area under the curve (AUC) of 0.779 and a precision-recall AUC of 0.097. The quantification of these effects in a comprehensive model allows stakeholders to make more informed decisions about disease prevention efforts.

Trostle, P., Corzo, C. A., Reich, B. J., & Machado, G. (2022). A discrete-time survival model for porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 00, 1- 11.