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Summary of Possible Multistate Enteric (Intestinal) Disease Outbreaks in 2017–2020

CDC has recently published a summary of CDC-coordinated investigations of possible multistate outbreaks caused by Salmonella, Shiga toxin-producing E. coli, and Listeria monocytogenes. During 2017-2020, these three germs resulted in 14,312 illnesses, 3,517 hospitalizations, and 65 deaths in the United States.

The investigations identified 5,081 illnesses linked to animal contact. Contact with backyard poultry was the source of the most outbreak-associated illnesses (4,411) of any animal or food category. The summary also includes Salmonella outbreak investigations involving contact with small mammals; contact with cattle; and pig ear pet treats for dogs. Read the full summary for details of the investigations and findings.

Read the full summary HERE.

[Source: CDC 25 August 2022]