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New AASV Early Career Podcast Available for Download: Basics of indemnity programs and marketing considerations for early career veterinarians

The AASV Early Career Committee has been developing a podcast series highlighting topics for early career swine veterinarians. The newest podcast, "Basics of indemnity programs and marketing considerations for early career veterinarians," is available to download as an mp3 audio file from the AASV Podcast Library.

Dr. Bill Hollis discusses the basics of indemnity and touches on programs available through the USDA and federal government. The discussion concludes with a transition into Livestock Risk Protection and marketing basics to help producers effectively sell their market hogs. He also emphasizes the importance of the swine veterinarian in helping producers keep accurate farm inventory records for their operation.

The Early Career Podcasts and AASV Annual Meeting Podcasts are available to all AASV members in the AASV Podcast Library at