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Mapping Hotspots for Spread of PRRSV-2 Lineage 1 in the United States

Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome costs the United States over $500 million annually (1). The repeated emergence of new genetic variants of PRRSV-2, the causative virus, reflects the failure of previous control efforts.

Within the United States, PRRSV-2 persistence is characterized by the co-circulation of numerous distinct variants defined by genetic variation of open reading frame 5 (ORF5), the major viral envelope glycoprotein coding gene. Although it is hypothesized that immune-mediated selection underpins its evolutionary dynamics, understanding spatial variability in selection pressures, variant emergence and spread is critical.

Read the full article in 20220809NHF-001_862&sfvc4enews=42&cl=article_1&utm_rid=CPG02000003679044&utm_campaign=69920&utm_medium=email&elq2=d0e7c6bd93d94410b59c84ab41ffea44&sp_eh=6f157aca19193a2e454f1aced3afe1b4ea0550e56d12a86deed93a8d23f4c621″ target=”_blank”>National Hog Farmer 9 August 2022]