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Explore Leadership Opportunities at AASV

Are you interested in leadership positions within AASV? You’re perfect for the job! Listed below are a few volunteer opportunities to get you started.

AASV Committees

The AASV Board of Directors recognizes that the committees form the backbone of our organization. The Board relies on the committees as "issue experts" and seeks their input regarding issues of importance to swine veterinarians. Committees are called upon to examine an issue and advise the Board on official positions the association should take or to develop additional resources to educate our membership.

Each AASV committee typically conducts a face-to-face meeting on Saturday morning during the AASV Annual Meeting. Additional committee activity is generally handled by e-mail or virtual meetings during the remainder of the year.

Learn about each committee, read their reports and workplans, and review committee guidelines at the AASV committee page. All AASV members and student members are welcome to attend any committee meeting, but only committee members are eligible to vote. If you are interested in joining a committee, please contact the committee chair or Dr. Abbey Canon.

Not sure which committee to join? Let us know! Some committees have open seats, and almost all committees need additional members who are swine veterinary practitioners.

AASV Representation to the AVMA

AASV designates representatives for several committees of the American Veterinary Medical Association. Current representatives are listed at Visit AVMA for more details and descriptions of each committee.

AASV Board of Directors

The AASV is governed by a Board of Directors representing each of the 11 North American districts. Potential candidates must be Active (veterinarian) AASV members residing in the district for which they wish to represent. Voting members have the opportunity to nominate candidates in their district every three years (or when a vacancy arises). The two nominees receiving the most nominations are placed on the ballot, subject to their consent to serve. Each newly elected director serves a three-year term of office that begins in the spring.

The AASV district directors (eleven in all) along with the officers form the governing board of the AASV. The Board of Directors meets twice annually in the spring and fall to set policies and conduct association business. The AASV reimburses travel expenses to attend the board meetings. Occasionally, the board conducts additional conference calls or e-mail discussions.

For more information, view the AASV Bylaws.

AASV Executive Officers and Committee

The AASV Board of Directors prepares a slate of candidates for the office of president-elect and vice president. President-elect and vice president officers are elected by the AASV membership each year. The AASV Executive Committee is composed of the president, immediate past president, president-elect, and vice president. Each officer’s term is one year beginning at the close of the annual business meeting.

For more information, view the AASV Bylaws.

*Affiliate, Associate, and Student Members are not eligible to hold office or vote.