Wean-to-market farms continue to serve as a reservoir for diseases such as porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) and porcine coronaviruses such as porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) and porcine delta coronavirus (PDCoV.) The October 2021 Swine Disease Reporting System indicates that over 31% of samples tested in the wean-to-market phase are positive for PRRSV, 8.8% for PEDV, and 0.7% for PDCoV1. [Source: 20211102NHF-001_597&sfvc4enews=42&cl=article_1&utm_rid=CPG02000003679044&utm_campaign=62876&utm_medium=email&elq2=2fe51e02f3b44e7b8c73ba01e27a79cc” target=”_blank”>National Hog Farmer.