Carolina Malgarin, DVM, PhD, has joined the Merck Animal Health Veterinary Services Swine team in Canada. Dr. Malgarin has been focused on the swine health field since 2010 when she joined the swine research group at the Universidade Federale do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) in Brazil as a research assistant. In 2013, she was awarded a government scholarship to study abroad for one year and worked at the Swine Research and Technology Centre (SRTC) at the University of Alberta in Canada. After receiving her degree in veterinary medicine from UFRGS in 2015, she returned to Canada for graduate school under Dr. John Harding at the University of Saskatchewan, investigating the fetal impacts of PRRSV. Dr. Malgarin completed her PhD in March of this year and is now joining Merck Animal Health. She will be located in Saskatoon and work with the swine team to support Merck customers in western Canada. Updated contact information for Dr. Malgarin is available at Are you on the move? If so, let us know at