ICVA, the world leader in veterinary assessments, is looking for volunteer veterinary practitioners. The organization recently sent out a call for nominations for two open "At-Large" positions on the Board of Directors. The Board consists of 13 members – eight (8) Designated directors (including a public member), and five (5) At-Large positions. The At-Large directors may be nominated by a veterinary organization, an individual, or be self- nominated. Directors are appointed for three-year terms and may serve a maximum of three terms. [Source: ICVA 26 March 2021]
"The ICVA is always looking for individuals across all aspects of veterinary medicine including veterinarians who have practical, clinical, day-to-day general practice experience," explained Dr. Heather Case, CEO of the ICVA. "Volunteers with boots on the ground experience can contribute to our mission to advance veterinary medicine and facilitate collaboration throughout the field."
Volunteering with the ICVA is a great opportunity for practitioners to share their expertise while helping to set standards for the profession. For more information, and to nominate an individual for the ICVA Board of Directors, please visit https://www.icva.net/news-and-updates/. Nominations must be received by April 16, 2021.
Current practitioners are also needed on an on-going basis as part of ICVA’s commitment to assessment quality. The ICVA seeks item question writers and reviewers for the NAVLE (North American Veterinary Licensing Examination) in accordance with the current NAVLE blueprint. To inquire about becoming an item writer or reviewer, please email mail@icva.net.