Elections are under way for the AASV District Director positions in Districts 1, 4, 6, and 8. A link to the ballot has been emailed to each voting member in the applicable districts. Members may also access their ballot by logging into https://www.aasv.org/members. The candidates in each district are:
District 1 (northeastern US: CT, DE, MA, MD, ME, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI, VA, VT, WV)
Dr. Melissa Billing (Defiance, Ohio)
District 4 (Indiana, Michigan)
Dr. Megan Inskeep (Rensselaer, Indiana)
Dr. Darryl Ragland (West Lafayette, Indiana)
District 6 (Iowa)
Dr. Pat Hoffmann (Atlantic, Iowa)
Dr. Christopher Rademacher (Ames, Iowa)
District 8 (Nebraska, South Dakota)
Dr. Christine Mainquist-Whigham (Columbus, Nebraska)
Dr. Alan Snodgrass (West Point, Nebraska)
The last date to submit or change a vote is February 19, 2021 (Midnight CST). The election results will be announced on Tuesday, March 2 during the live business meeting (7:00 AM CST) as part of the virtual AASV Annual Meeting.