Your participation is urgently requested!
In collaboration with Colorado State University, Merck Animal Health is conducting a study about swine depopulation and veterinarians. We ask that every swine veterinarian, whether or not you were involved in a depopulation event, participate in this survey.
Click here for the survey.
This study will help the swine industry better understand the impact of depopulation on veterinarians and their clients. People are the swine industry’s most valuable asset.
Outcomes from this study will be used to develop programs to assist veterinarians faced with similar events in the future (e.g., market disruption, foreign animal disease introduction to the U.S., etc.)
The survey will take 10-15 minutes to complete. Colorado State University, through Dr. Kogan, is hosting the survey and analyzing the responses. Feedback shared by veterinarians will be kept confidential and anonymous and reported only in a summary fashion.
To thank you for your time, $25 will be contributed to the AASV Foundation for every completed questionnaire.
Click here for the survey
If you have questions about this study, please contact:
Dr. Angela Baysinger, Animal Welfare Lead at Merck Animal Health
402-768-8468 (m)Dr. Lori Kogan, Professor, Clinical Sciences Dept, Colorado State University