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August Domestic Swine Disease Monitoring Report Now Available

The Swine Health Information Center’s (SHIC) August Domestic Swine Disease Monitoring Report is available. This month’s Domestic Swine Disease Monitoring Report shows a moderate decrease of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) cases in July compared to June, down substantially in wean-to-market category. Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV)-positive cases were down moderately in July compared to June as well and within expected boundaries for this time of year. Detection of porcine delta coronoavirus (PDCoV) was also within the expected boundaries for this time of year. Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (MHP)-positive cases in July were similar June and also within expected boundaries.

View the full report dashboards and listed to podcasts in the online portal. No login required.

What is the Swine Disease Reporting System (SDRS)?

SHIC-funded, veterinary diagnostic laboratories (VDLs) collaborative project, with goal to aggregate swine diagnostic data from participating reporting VDLs, and report in an intuitive format (web dashboards), describing dynamics of disease detection by pathogen or disease syndrome over time, specimen, age group, and geographical space. For this report, data is from the Iowa State University VDL and South Dakota State University ADRDL. University of Minnesota VDL and Kansas State University VDL. Specifically, for PRRSV RFLP data, and syndromic information the results are from Iowa State University VDL. For all "2019 predictive graphs," the expected value was calculated using a statistical model that considers the results from three previous years. The intent of the model is not to compare the recent data (2019) to individual weeks of previous years. The intent is to estimate expected levels of percent positive cases based on patterns observed in the past data, and define if observed percentage positive values are above or below the expected based on historic trends.