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HEARD VET: Social Support for Swine Vets – Wednesdays 6pm CDT

Curious how other swine vets are handling current events or have handled past similar situations? AASV’s HEARD VET Social Support Group for Swine Vets is offered weekly on Wednesdays at 6pm CDT. Swing by to try it out! Come to one or come to many and join as needed. Come late or leave early. Come to share or come to listen. Come to help or be helped. Use HEARD VET as a safe place to decompress, let off some steam, vent, even rant, and share something with other swine vet peers who understand where you’re coming from.

Social well-being, one of the nine dimensions of well-being, can be improved by surrounding yourself with a network of support built on mutual trust, respect, and compassion. The best social support is having a place where we feel accepted, understood, and respected for who we are. HEARD VET is that place!

The AASV is working with the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine’s Dr. Elizabeth Strand, a licensed clinical social worker, resiliency coach, and Founding Director of Veterinary Social Work, and fellow swine veterinarian peer mentors to offer free virtual social support group sessions* for AASV members.

The virtual support group sessions will provide a venue for members to share and discuss their experiences and concerns about the COVID-19 emergency response with their peers. Come to this safe place to talk about your unique experiences as a swine veterinarian during this pandemic. Dr. Strand will serve as a trained facilitator to moderate these sessions. She will be joined by trained fellow swine veterinarian peer mentors to guide discussion and help members navigate to individual care within their state if needed.

The first few sessions will have some structure and information alongside the opportunity to share. Come log on and listen and share how you are doing or offer support to others in these times. Participants in the session can see who else is attending, but we’ll use technology that will allow you to share experiences or thoughts or ask questions anonymously.

When: Wednesdays, 6:00-7:15pm CT
Who: AASV members
Cost: Free
Register: Email Dr. Sue Schulteis at
Sue (and only Sue) will collect names and verify AASV membership to ensure that only AASV members attend. She will send a Zoom link, log in information, and consent form. AASV staff will no longer be involved after the initial e-mail contact for registration. Consent forms will be collected by Dr. Strand. Sessions will be facilitated and led by Dr. Strand.

Still have questions? Please read the consent form.

Other ideas? Suggestions? More questions? A better time to meet? Let us know!

Find more well-being resources on the AASV Well-being webpage.

*This is not a therapy group and is not a substitute for psychiatric care, psychotherapy, or medical treatment.