Elected to the AASV Board of Directors in 2019, Dr. Cristina Quijano Alvarez is the District 10 Director, representing Mexico.
Dr. Quijano received her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics in 2009, followed by her master’s in agriculture sciences in 2014, both from the Autonomous University of Yucatán. She is the production manager of a farrow to finish farm (continuous flow) and wean to finish farms in Yucatán, Mexico.
As the District 10 representative, designated by the president of the Asociación Mexicana de Veterinarios Especialistas en Cerdos (AMVEC, the Mexican Association of Swine Veterinarians), Dr. Quijano’s commitment is to strengthen the relationship between AASV and AMVEC. She is dedicated to helping the two organizations work together in our fight against foreign animal disease introduction into North America, increasing knowledge exchange among swine veterinarians in the three North American countries, and supporting students interested in swine medicine.
Dr. Quijano joined the AASV in 2019 to strengthen those North American relationships. In fact, her advice to members encourages relationship development. "Stay up to date on all relevant topics about the pig industry, try to attend the AASV Annual Meeting, and promote teamwork."
She is also the president of AMVEC Peninsular, the association of swine veterinarians of the states of Yucatán, Campeche, and Quintana Roo, Mexico (2018-2020).
Over the next year, Dr. Quijano would like to see the AASV continue to support students and graduate veterinarians interested in swine, offer scholarship and externship opportunities for international students, and increase international membership.
Beyond her professional activities, Cristina enjoys running outdoors and cooking.
Watch for more “Get to Know Your AASV Leadership” articles in the e-Letter and on AASV social media. Contact information for AASV Staff, District Directors, and Officers can be found at aasv.org/aasv/contacts.