Through a 2019 AASV Foundation-funded project, the Swine Medicine Education Center (SMEC) at Iowa State University created a free, online, 1-hour long antimicrobial susceptibility training course. Participants are asked questions based on actual bacteriology cases and various versions of susceptibility reports. They are then provided a behind the scenes bacteriology tour, additional training on antimicrobial susceptibility testing, and some general tools to better interpret susceptibility reports. Upon completion, participants are given access to SMEC’s Digital Library, which contains over 100 training and educational videos.
Many AASV members have already participated and have commented that the training has been a "great review," they have enjoyed the "real life examples," and it was "time well spent." Some academia members are also utilizing this training and SMEC Digital Library access for their online student courses.
Time is running out to participate, so please contact Megan Nickel at or Locke Karriker at if interested. Deadline to complete the training course is 5/15/20 at 11:59 PM CST.