Your 2020 AASV Executive Officer Team has presented a combined total of 131 Operation Mainstreet (OMS) presentations! President Jeff Harker leads the team with 75 OMS talks!
The OMS program was created to help pig farmers interact with and connect to their communities about animal care, food safety and public health and other facets of how today’s pigs are raised. Since then, it has transitioned into a program that also reaches key influencers, expanding to include veterinarians such as the 2020 AASV Officers and other industry representatives to serve as speakers.
A new program update is an ability for audience members to virtually tour a pig farm. Through a collaboration with South Dakota State University, OMS speakers can include live-streaming video tours of SDSU’s Swine Education and Research Center, in Brookings, S.D.
Want to share your story? Attend the next OMS speaker training, or join to AASV Operation Mainstreet Committee!