Interspecies transmission of influenza A virus is believed to be a principal mechanism contributing to the emergence of novel influenza strains that pose a threat to human and swine health. While extensive education has been directed at swine producers, the AASV Influenza Committee would like to gauge swine veterinarians’ approach to limiting bidirectional influenza transmission and communicating the risk of such transmission. The committee would like to learn more about your thoughts and perceptions regarding the public health risk of swine lineage influenza, your recommendations to limit the transmission of disease between people and pigs, and your ability to access information regarding the virus and disease. This information will be used to direct future activities of the Influenza Committee.
In order to make this assessment, we are asking you to participate in a research project by completing a short, online questionnaire. The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete, and it will remain completely anonymous. There is no direct benefit to you for participating in the survey, and you may refuse to participate or discontinue participation in this study without penalty.
If you are interested in participating in this research, to get started, please follow this link to our survey. You may exit the survey and later resume if you wish, and you are free to quit the survey at any time. Please note, that partial survey responses will be recorded. The survey closes January 31.
The Ohio State University MPH Student Contact:
Tara P. Hill, MPH Candidate
The Ohio State University Faculty Contact:
Dr. Andrew Bowman
Phone: 1-614-292-6923
You may contact Dr. Bowman with questions or if you feel you have been harmed as a result of your participation.
For questions about your rights as someone taking part in this study, you may contact Ms. Sandra Meadows in the Office of Responsible Research Practices at 1-614-688-4792 or 1-800-678-6251. You may call this number to discuss concerns or complaints about the study with someone who is not part of the research team.