Effective October 1, the opportunity for AASV members to receive free copies of articles or request literature searches through the Texas A&M University (TAMU) Medical Sciences Library’s "Get It For Me" service has been discontinued. The change was initiated by the TAMU Medical Sciences Library (MSL), which found it cost-prohibitive to continue to obtain licenses that allowed distribution of materials to clients outside of the university and state. AASV is only one of the "Affiliate" organizations, including the American Association of Bovine Practitioners (AABP), whose members no longer have access to the service.
AASV leaders were disappointed at the loss of this valuable member service and are making an effort to identify other resources that could provide similar benefits to members. In the meantime, the TAMU MSL will no longer be able to provide service to members registered with Get It For Me. In its place, they have provided a website, Information for Veterinary Professionals, that includes suggestions for practicing evidence-based medicine and accessing articles that are freely available.
While sorry to see Get It For Me end, the association is grateful to the TAMU MSL for providing this service to AASV members over the past six years. Those who used the service reported that it was extremely helpful in their efforts to obtain access to research and information that would have been otherwise unavailable or expensive. The TAMU MSL staff continue to be helpful to the association in exploring other options and supporting the practice of evidence-based medicine.