The PRRS Outbreak Management Project (POMP) is seeking collaborators to gather data on best management practices throughout the 2019/2020 PRRS outbreak season.
A new PRRS outbreak season is imminently upon us, and it’s time to dust off our PRRS management playbook and remember our collective best management practices. I’ts impossible to understate the impact the initial Time to Stability study has had on our current PRRS management strategies. We think it’s time to take another page from this playbook and replicate the Time to Stability effort using a similar survey approach to compare PRRS outbreak management practices within and between production systems/clinics. This will increase our knowledge and lead us to toward further definition of "Best Practices" to minimize both Time to Stability (TTS) and Time to Baseline Production (TTBP). Similar to the initial stages of the MSHMP program, data analysis will be completed leveraging our University partners and all survey information will only be shared in aggregate, protecting your privacy. We plan to share regular updates and analysis findings with participants allowing you to quickly leverage our collective learnings with future PRRS outbreaks.
Our goal is to use a survey process to capture specific practices currently recommended by field veterinarians and assess their relationship with the above-mentioned outcomes. Breeding herds reporting a PRRS outbreak (transitioning into PRRS Category 1 from any other Category) which are willing to share diagnostic results and production data (52 weeks prior to the outbreak, up to 52 weeks after the outbreak) who plan to monitor the affected herd by sampling over time with either weekly processing fluids or monthly suckling pig bleeding are all eligible to participate. We shared this survey tool at the recent 2019 Leman Conference and we now share it with you in hopes of recruiting as diverse of a participant group as possible to complete this survey tool throughout the upcoming PRRS outbreak season. Benchmarking reports comparing TTS and TTBP outcomes within and between systems/clinics will be distributed monthly, a more detailed report will be shared quarterly with all participants. For more details about the survey methodology or questions about how to enroll your herds, please don’t hesitate to contact any member of the project team listed below.
Thank you for your support, we look forward to collaborating with you on this initiative!
For more information, please contact Daniel Linhares, Cesar Corzo, Clayton Johnson or Aaron Lower.