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Invitation to Participate in Antibiotic Use Survey

As part of an initiative to support antibiotic stewardship in the US swine industry, we invite AASV members to participate in a survey on antibiotic use practices in the US swine industry. With support and encouragement from the National Pork Board and American Association of Swine Veterinarians, we are working on a 5-year project funded by the Food and Drug Administration to describe antibiotic use practices in the US swine industry. The first phase of the project (2016 – 2017 data) focused on grow-finish pigs, and data representing approximately 20 million pigs per year across 9 large systems have been compiled, with broader participation expected going forward. In addition to the antibiotic use data, by surveying swine veterinarians in the participating systems we obtained complementary data by drug on major indications for use, relative use by age-group, and most common protocols (dose/duration) by route.

Building upon the first phase of this project, which draws on a relatively small group of veterinarians, we need to expand knowledge of current practices of antibiotic use in growing pigs from a more representative group of veterinarians. To achieve this, we are seeking the cooperation of veterinarians who prescribed antibiotics for pigs in 2018.

This survey will be completely confidential. Survey results will only be reported in aggregate, thereby keeping your individual responses confidential. No data about participants will be recorded. The survey should take approximately 45-60 minutes to complete.

Link to survey:

We greatly appreciate your willingness to participate . Please contact Jennifer Wishnie at or 651-398-9252 with any questions of comments. The survey will be open until September 11, 2019.

Jennifer Wishnie and Peter Davies