Wildlife Services (WS), a program within the United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service would like to invite you to participate in the development of an Environmental Assessment (EA) that proposes to evaluate the potential of a revised feral swine toxicant HOGGONE® 2.0, a sodium nitrite based bait developed for feral swine control. In 2017, WS completed an EA that analyzed the potential environmental effects and concerns of conducting field trials to evaluate the effectiveness of HOGGONE®. WS conducted an initial field trial in 2018. Improvements to the bait and changes to the study protocol were made to increase the effectiveness of the product now referred to as HOGGONE® 2.0. This EA analyzes the improvements to the bait and the potential environmental effects and concerns of conducting a small scale field trial to evaluate the effectiveness of the revised HOGGONE® 2.0 as a potential control measure for feral swine. WS is seeking review and comments on the EA from interested parties to identify additional concerns, issues, and alternatives. [Source: USDA 27 June 2019]
Interested parties may obtain a copy of the EA and submit comments from this link: https://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=APHIS-2019-0042 or by sending a written request to Feral Swine Research Project, National Wildlife Research Center, USDA/APHIS/Wildlife Services, 4101 Laporte, CO 80521. WS requests that you submit comments on the EA electronically or by sending the comments to the address listed. Please include your name and mailing address in the comments. To receive full consideration, WS must receive all comments by the end of the day on July 29, 2019. All comments received, including the names and addresses of those people who comment, will be part of the public record and will be released for public review as required and allowed by law.