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FDA: New Animal Drugs; Updating Tolerances for Residues of New Animal Drugs in Food

On July 10, 2019, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Veterinary Medicine issued a final rule, "New Animal Drugs; Updating Tolerances for Residues of New Animal Drugs in Food." This final rule standardizes and clarifies the standards for determining, codifying, and updating tolerances, and also provides a definition section of key terms that the FDA uses in the determination of tolerances. This final rule will enhance understanding of tolerance determination and improve the overall readability of the relevant regulations. The rule does not establish new tolerances. The FDA first proposed the rule in 2012 and requested public comment. The agency issued a supplemental proposed rule for a second public comment period in 2016, and the FDA took these comments into consideration while developing the final rule. The final rule will become effective 60 days from the date of publication in the Federal Register. [Source: FDA 10 July 2019]