Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (Mhyo) is generally accepted to be the most common porcine respiratory pathogen worldwide causing big economical losses in swine production by affecting pig’s downstream performance. The objective of this study was to develop a partial budget model to determine the payback period and economic value of two Mhyo elimination protocols. Retrospective data recorded from 2004 to 2017 from 70 breeding herds that implemented herd closure or whole-herd medication protocol targeting Mhyo elimination. Close out data was used to estimate differences in downstream performance between Mhyo-negative and positive flows. Assuming a 5000 sows breed-to-finish operation producing 135,870 weaned pigs and 125,000 finishing pigs/year, the total cost for implementing Mhyo elimination was $112,100 using the herd closure protocol, and $185,700 for the medication protocol. Statistically differences (p < 0.05) in downstream performance were observed for ADG and mortality, but not for feed conversion rate. The parameters that accounts for the greatest benefits were related to the improvement in ADG, savings in antibiotic medication in growing pigs and improvement in feed conversion rate. The benefit of Mhyo elimination was $877,375 per farm per year, or $7.00 per pig marketed. The estimated project value after 1 year was $616,121 for the herd closure considering a probability of success of 83%, and $323,177 for the medication protocol for 58% chance of success. The project value reached the break-even point when the cost per sow was $145.64 for the herd closure and $101.78 for the medication protocol. The payback period was 2 months after the start of marketing Mhyo-negative pigs for the herd closure, and 7 months for the medication protocol adjusted for the probability of success for each protocol. The protocols described here can be easily applied with a good success rate and showing that the benefits obtained are greater than the costs of project failure. Even if the farm stayed negative only a year, the economic benefits downstream are worth the investment. This information may help producers and veterinarians on decision-making process to conduct a Mhyo elimination protocol in their herds.
Silva G, Yeske P, Morrison R, Linhares D. Benefit-cost analysis to estimate the payback time and the economic value of two Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae elimination methods in breeding herds. Prev Vet Med. 2019 July.