AASV and the Swine Medicine Education Center (SMEC) at Iowa State University (ISU) are excited to extend the invitation for all AASV members view the Swine Medicine Talks: An AASV and SMECast Series for Veterinary Students!
The Swine Medicine Talks are a 3-part swine medicine seminar series, hosted by the AASV student chapter and SMEC at ISU and funded by the AASV student recruitment committee. The series is currently available by live audio/video stream to other veterinary schools across North America and to AASV members, and it is completely free! All you need is internet, the free Zoom application (which you will be prompted to download when you join the meeting below), and audio and video on your computer.
The third lecture of the school year will be Wednesday, April 17th at 6PM CDT. Dr. Jeremy Pittman will be presenting on "CNS Disease in Swine" for our third, 2018-2019 Swine Medicine Talks Webinar. Dr. Pittman is a 2004 NCSU graduate, who started his career with Smithfield after receiving his DVM. He currently works as a staff veterinarian for Smithfield’s Hog Production Division – North Region, serves on Smithfield’s science and technology committee, and is an adjunct faculty member at the NCSU College of Veterinary Medicine. This presentation will overview how to approach CNS cases: clinical signs, history, investigation, differential lists, sample collection, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. This webinar will provide strategies and advice you can use to work up similar cases in your career.
Register for this lecture series
Thanks and hope to see you tuned in!
Did you miss the previous lectures? The recordings of previous Swine Medicine Talks have been added to the AASV Video Library and are available for members to view at https://www.aasv.org/members/only/video/smecast/
If you have any questions please contact CJ Fitzgerald or Dr. Justin Brown.