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Welcome Dr. Abbey Canon

After 13 years of compiling the e-Letter every week, this will be my last byline as Director of Communications. I have the distinct pleasure to turn that duty over to AASV’s new Director of Communications, Dr. Abbey Canon. Abbey officially joined our staff on Monday and this is her first edition of e-Letter! Can you smell the new article scent??

I have enjoyed the opportunity to use this forum to provide our members with information about our association, education about our profession and occasionally a little humor along the way. Thanks for your support and your feedback. You’ve taught me over the years that I’m not good at geography, math, grammar, punctuation, html code or spelling. All evidence as to why I chose veterinary medicine and you put up with me as a communicator. It looks like I won’t be going away entirely, however. Abbey has informed me that I am still responsible for a weekly Doc Tales.

So, join me in welcoming Abbey to this new role, and you’ll continue to find me at the bottom of the page — beneath the fold as they say in the newspaper biz.