New outbreaks of African swine fever were reported in China this week bringing the total number of reported cases to seven. In addition, Bulgaria reported the country’s first outbreak of the disease. The U.S. swine industry continues to monitor the situation closely and is focusing on efforts to prevent the introduction of the virus into the U.S. herd. Representatives from AASV, NPB, NPPC and SHIC met with USDA and FDA officials on Wednesday to discuss prevention concerns. Although focused on prevention, topics discussed also included diagnostic testing, surveillance, feed and feed ingredient issues, garbage feeding controls and monitoring and the importation of pork casings. The group will issue a meeting summary later this week.
In an effort to address potential sources of infection, the four industry organizations are encouraging producers and veterinarians to interact with their feed and feed ingredient suppliers on issues associated with the importation of products which may pose a heightened risk of disease exposure. To facilitate this interaction, the group has published a list of questions for producers and veterinarians to pose to their suppliers.