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AASV Member Deals with Life-Changing Accident

Many of you have had the pleasure to work with Whitney Lincoln (Holt), an AASV member who was previously one of Smithfield’s Midwest veterinarians, and now works with Smithfield on a contractual basis. We reach out to you for your support – in any form you are able – for Whitney and her family. On Saturday, August 4th, Whitney’s husband, Nick, was in an ATV accident in Wisconsin. Nick has since undergone surgery to provide stability and has no sensation or motor function below his rib cage. Should you wish to send them a message and/or contribute to the page to assist in the many expenses on the road ahead, please use the following link: The page also has additional information and updates regarding Nick’s progress. In the meantime, our thoughts and prayers are with Whitney, Nick, their daughter Sydney, and extended family.