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Swine Medicine Talks Address Economics, Influenza, Surveillance

For the past few years, the AASV has funded a series of webinars on swine medicine that are broadcast from Iowa State University to veterinary schools across the country. The well-qualified speakers address timely, yet diverse swine medicine topics – and the 1-hour recordings have been made available for AASV members to view! Here’s your chance to catch up on the excellent presentations featured in 2017-18:

Swine Medicine Economics, addressed by Dr. Daryl Olsen from Audubon-Manning Veterinary Clinic (AMVC). His lecture presents an overview of the economics and management of swine or mixed-animal veterinary practices, and addresses the importance of how disease affects pig cost and value.

Influenza A Virus in Swine, presented by Dr. Phillip Gauger, a pathologist with the Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory. Dr. Gauger is a knowledgeable and successful resource within the swine industry and services the diagnostic laboratory with approximately 75,000 to 85,000 cases each year. This presentation provides an overview of influenza A’s history, impact, transmission, and clinical presentation. Dr. Gauger also covers how to recognize influenza gross lesions and how to submit the best samples to the diagnostic laboratory.

Surveillance of Swine in Hawaii, presented by Dr. Jenee Odani, an extension veterinarian with the University of Hawaii. Dr. Odani graduated from UC Davis in 1999 and went on to become a board-certified anatomic pathologist. She has experience working in livestock and poultry diagnostic laboratories in California and Hawaii, and has worked as an extension veterinarian for the University of Hawaii for the past 1 1/2 years. Her presentation discusses the surveillance of swine in Hawaii, including Hawaiian culture and use of pigs, management styles and differences in production, and disease challenges unique to an island.

Efforts are underway to add all of the SMECast webinar recordings to AASV’s video AND podcast libraries. The AASV Board of Directors just approved funding for the 2018-19 series of Swine Medicine Talks, so stay tuned for more great presentations!