The staff and Officers of AASV do a great job of maintaining contacts in Washington DC. In addition, AASV has representation on American Veterinary Medical Association’s (AVMA) Legislative Advisory Committee (LAC). For the past 5 years I have had the opportunity to serve on this committee. While many of the issues considered by AVMA are not of immediate concern to our membership, during the years of new farm bill legislation or when there are issues that might affect food animal agriculture directly or indirectly, it is important to have a voice on this committee. The LAC is comprised of many of the individual associations within AVMA. The committee reviews numerous bills each legislative session and makes recommendations to the AVMA Board of Directors as to whether to designate AVMA’s position as support, non-support or no action. The committee meets in the spring and the fall at the AVMA Government Relations Division office (GRD) or by conference call. The GRD staff works with other associations and commodity groups including NPPC when there are bills of common interest.
A separate group that you may be aware of is the AVMA Political Action Committee (AVMA PAC). This committee raises funds in order to be able to support the campaigns of friends of AVMA. Although financial support of congressmen obviously does not assure their support of AVMA issues, it does help provide greater access to staff and congressmen so that we can keep them informed of issues of concern and/or needs of our profession. If you receive emails from AVMA PAC please consider an annual donation. You can also go to AVMA PAC and contribute online.