Compliance: When and How to Follow Up Dr. Erin Nonos, a veterinarian with Smithfield, answers important questions regarding producer compliance. What may seem like a simple subject is in fact an extremely complex and multifaceted issue that all swine veterinarians have to tackle on a daily basis, and Dr. Nonos expands on how she has dealt with this issue within her production division. She admits that it has taken trial and error over time to develop a system that works, so here is a personal view on what she has found works best for her during her career as a swine veterinarian.
During the AASV Annual Meeting, 29 veterinary students interviewed conference speakers to gainadditional information about their presentation topic. The next of these MP3 audio interviews is now available to members on the AASV website at Student member Brandi J. Burton interviewed Dr. Erin Nonos who presented "Producer compliance: Checking without being a pest" in the "AASV’s Got Talent" Pre-Conference Seminar. Watch for additional podcast interviews in the coming weeks!