AASV and the Swine Medicine Education Center (SMEC) are excited to extend the invitation to view the Swine Medicine Talks: An AASV and SMECast Series for Veterinary Students Lecture 3 to all AASV members! The third of three lectures will be held Thursday, April 13th, at 6:00 PM Central Daylight Time. The lecture title is "101 Common and Not-So-Common Swine Lesions," and will focus on lesions that swine veterinarians typically see in the field. It will also cover common swine handling techniques. Featured speakers include Dr. Paisley Canning, Dr. Justin Brown, and Dr. Anna Forseth, post-doctoral veterinarians affiliated with the Swine Medicine Education Center.
The Swine Medicine Talks is a 3-part swine medicine seminar series, hosted by the AASV student chapter and Swine Medicine Education Center (SMEC) at Iowa State University, and funded by the AASV Student Recruitment Committee. The series is currently available by live audio/video stream to other veterinary schools across North America and also to AASV members – and it is completely free! All you need are Internet access, the free Zoom application (which you will be prompted to download when you join the meeting), and audio and video on your computer.
To register for the lecture series please follow this link: https://iastate.zoom.us/webinar/register/a36c51810dbd73c734538d7d4481ef37
Thanks; we hope to see you tuned in!
If you have any questions please contact Victoria Thompson (vlt@iastate.edu) or Paisley Canning (pcanning@iastate.edu).