Dr. Maria Jose Clavijo has joined the faculty at Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine in the department of Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine as a half-time Research Assistant Professor, effective August 1st. Dr. Clavijo will continue to work part time as a Technical Services Veterinarian at PIC where she focuses on the design and implementation of whole herd disease prevention and elimination programs. Dr. Clavijo’s research responsibilities at ISU will primarily be focused on clinical, field-based research on infectious diseases of livestock with particular emphasis on bacterial diseases of swine. Maria obtained her PhD from the University of Minnesota in 2014 studying the epidemiology of M. hyorhinis in U.S swine production systems. She earned her degree in Veterinary Medicine from the Universidad Central de Venezuela in 2009 where she practiced before starting her PhD in 2010. Dr. Clavijo currently resides with her family in Hendersonville, TN.