These time and space sensitive graphics depict national and state level trends in case level PEDV and PDCoV PCR test results observed in case submissions made to VDLs and reported to the USDA. These dynamic graphs and maps depict the trends of PEDV and PDCoV aggregate diagnostic case-level data (state and national) observed over time and space, and, while likely correlated, do not specifically reflect the actual number of premises or farm sites affected. Diagnostic trends occurring within each state are visible by accessing (right-clicking) the time-sensitive charts nested within the maps included in the dashboard. Please note that the data in the graphs are from biological samples only, no environmental or feed samples are included in the data.
Training Video: Disease BioPortal® – Trends in US PEDV & PDCoV Diagnostic Data Dashboard.
Training video above is very highly recommended for first-time users. This 3-minute training video will provide the training necessary to proficiently navigate this web-based/dynamic reporting tool.
Link to Web-Based Report: Disease BioPortal® – Trends in US PEDV & PDCoV (Below):
Instructions (Important): Please access the link below via either pasting hyperlinks into a Google-Chrome (Preferred) or latest versions of Mozilla Firefox or Safari web-browser. Internet Explorer or older versions of Mozilla Firefox web-browsers will not work.
The link to this PEDV and PDCoV dashboard (hosted by Disease BioPortal®, University of California-Davis) will be routinely updated and made available on the AASV website. Alternatively, you can simply bookmark the secured (view-only) hyperlink into a Google Chrome web-browser on your personal computer and access the most current version of this web-based report on an ongoing basis whenever convenient. It is our hope that stakeholders find this user-friendly web-based summary of aggregate diagnostic data (state and national) to be a useful complement to the SECD Situation Report being prepared by the USDA on weekly basis.
These efforts may well represent the first time in which aggregate diagnostic data has been electronically captured from all of the VDLs located throughout the US and seamlessly integrated into an interactive web-based summary of national and state level diagnostic trends. A special thanks to practicing veterinarians, veterinary diagnostic labs, the USDA Veterinary Services National Animal Health Laboratory Network, and the University of California Davis Center for Animal Disease Modeling and Surveillance(CADMS) for their collaboration in making this aggregate (state and national level) summary data available for user-friendly web-based analysis.
For questions, please contact Dr. Kate Mueller, Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Lab, at or 636-251-0658.
Extramural Funding Acknowledgments & Support: Iowa Pork Producers Association, National Pork Board, and Boehringer-Ingelheim.