USDA has released the first quarterly reports for the Influenza A Virus in Swine (IAV-S) Surveillance Program initiated in 2010. These reports summarize the results from the USDA-APHIS-VS IAV-S surveillance program for FY 2015. The report is intended to provide swine producers, practitioners, diagnosticians, and the public with a brief status update of national surveillance for IAV-S. The APHIS-USDA Web site provides general information about the IAV-S surveillance program at
The IAV-S surveillance program is voluntary and, as a result, the accessions and samples submitted represent a subset of the swine population fitting the case definition and may not entirely represent the total U.S. domestic swine population. Therefore, the data cannot be used to determine IAV-S prevalence in the swine population. However, the data may help identify trends in influenza in swine.