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Alternate Student Delegate Selected for AASV Board

The AASV Student Recruitment Committee is pleased to announce the selection of Brent Sexton (Iowa State University, 2018) as the incoming Alternate Student Delegate to the AASV Board of Directors.

Sexton is actively involved in a number of professional organizations and activities including AASV and SCAVMA. His Veterinary/Swine undergraduate work experience includes internships at Porcus Swine Veterinary in Odense, Denmark and Harrisvaccines in Ames, Iowa. During the Porcus internship, he assisted with routine health consultations with swine producers, developed and implemented research techniques in clinical trials, compiled and analyzed data from those trials and gained an understanding of European Union regulations and their effects on global agriculture. At Harrisvaccines, he learned the protocols associated with research and vaccine development, assisted with vaccine research and production, and formulated media for vaccine production.

This past summer, he participated in the ISU Swine Veterinary Internship Program conducting sow farm biosecurity assessments with The Maschoffs and Zoetis. He will be presenting the results of that research at the 2016 AASV Annual Meeting.

During ten years of 4-H and FFA membership, he raised market, breeding and show pigs and has served as the Iowa State Fair 4-H Swine Show Assistant Superintendent for the past six years. He has also attended and worked at the World Pork Expo for several years.

Following graduation, Sexton’s career objective is to work in a multi-veterinary practice in rural Iowa. He would like to eventually buy into a veterinary business and become a managing partner.

Sexton assumes his duties as Alternate Student Delegate during the 2016 AASV Annual Meeting in New Orleans. The current alternate delegate, Emily Mahan-Riggs, will assume the delegate position currently held by Chris Sievers who will rotate off the board. Emily and Brent will represent student interests within AASV as non-voting members of the Board of Directors and the Student Recruitment Committee.

Please join us in welcoming Brent to the AASV Board of Directors and thanking Chris for his service!