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Survey Request: Want to Know what to do with your Next PRRS Break?

So do researchers at the University of Illinois! We have learned a lot in the last several years about what management practices create the most value – the TTNP and TTBP projects were critical in changing how we think about and manage PRRS – but there is still much to learn. Researchers are interested in understanding how the management practices that are implemented at the time of an outbreak (McRebel, herd closure, etc.) impact both shedding and production. To address those questions, the researchers are conducting a 2 phase research project of practices used to improve production following PRRS introduction into a herd. The researchers are asking for you to complete a 15-30 minute survey to give them a baseline on what practices veterinarians have used for PRRS management. They would also like to know if you would be willing to share herd data with them for the second phase of the study.

Their goal is to have this wrapped up by September 1, 2015 – so please complete the survey as soon as possible. They plan to present the results at the 2016 AASV Annual Meeting.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jim Lowe ( or Katie Duda ( Click here to access the survey.